The Best, Worst, & Most #$%*ing Ridiculous Tattoos Ever

By Aviva Yael & P.M. Chen

I bought this book at a used book store on the coast. It has the nose of an airplane sticking out the side of the building. Hard to resist right? I got it for 8 bucks which is a bit steep for a used book, but my recent obsession with tattooing, as well as my own personal collection of bad ones, meant I could not resist.

I use this book for two purposes: When I need a good laugh, which is everyday in our current political climate, and when I am thinking about what to get for a tattoo and I want to remind myself that they are for life.

The Authors

The book contains 127 color photographs of some of the best and worst bad tattoos. Some are bad because of content, execution, and placement and all combinations of the three. Some of these bad tattoos are not only bad, but bad-ass as well. The tattoos featured include but are not limited to: Dr Phil
on someone’s ass, open stalking-ed legs across someone’s hairy armpit, Unicorns mounting each other while one smokes a cigarette, Patrick Swazy as a centaur, A bad portrait of Mike Tyson with a bad tattoo on his face, and many many more.

I haven’t included any examples, save the cover, so you’ll have to buy the book yourself. I have included the author bios on page 130 though. I love this book, and I love bad tattoos. Sure, you could search Pinterest for them but then you wouldn’t have the sparkling commentary! Books for life!